You never know what you'll find on the Retrofuturs blog, it shows a real mixed bag from the last couple of centuries. Stéphane uses some of these as the basis for his design and illustration - here are some of my favourites from the blog...
Some seriously cool graphics on these Atari Game Manuals - Set by Joe Krai on Flickr
Love the illustrations in this great 1960's book that 'Shelf Life Taste test' on Flickr found at a Thrift shop for $2.99 - see set here
Entertaining Around The Clock, by Editors at Esquire Magazine with Scotty and Ronnie Welch - Illustrated and Designed by Seymour Chwast
A collection of retro and propaganda Space race graphics...full pics here
A little collection I've put together of graphically rich retro stamps - see it here